Treatment Options for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects individuals in various ways. While there is no cure for autism, there are several effective interventions available that can improve a child’s functioning and overall quality of life. In this article, we will explore some of the treatment options for Autism Spectrum Disorder and how they can make a difference. Let’s dive in!

1) Occupational Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in helping children with autism develop essential skills for daily living. These therapists work closely with autistic children to improve their handwriting, fine motor skills, and overall functionality. They understand that each child has unique sensory needs that can change depending on their mood, environment, and therapeutic interventions.

Sensory Diet: A Key Component

A sensory diet is a daily activity plan designed to incorporate sensory activities throughout the child’s day, helping them improve focus, attention, and regulation. Just like the body needs proper nutrition, it also requires sensory activities to maintain optimal arousal levels. When arousal levels are low, activities like dancing, singing, or visiting the gym can help stimulate the body. On the other hand, when arousal levels are high and overstimulation occurs, activities such as going for a walk, reading, or listening to music can provide a calming effect.

Sensory Circuit: Preparing for the Day

Participating in a sensory motor circuit helps prepare children to engage effectively in their daily activities. Behavioral cues like fidgeting, poor concentration, excessive physical contact, or lethargy may indicate difficulties in connecting with the learning process. A sensory circuit consists of three elements:

  1. Alerting activities: stimulate the central nervous system and prepare the body for learning. Examples include spinning, bouncing on a gym ball, skipping, and star jumps.
  2. Organizing activities: require the brain and body to work together. Balancing on a wobble board, log rolling, and juggling are some examples of such activities.
  3. Calming activities: Heavy muscle work and deep pressure techniques, like wall pushes, push-ups, or using weights, help increase body awareness and promote self-regulation of sensory input.

2) Sensory Integration Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sensory integration therapy is a valuable approach that helps individuals manage their sensitivities and cravings. It aims to address both sensory challenges and performance difficulties associated with autism. The American Occupational Therapy Association outlines various types of remediation that can be beneficial:

  • Remedial intervention involving sensory and motor activities and equipment like swinging and massage.
  • Accommodations and adaptations, such as wearing earplugs or headphones to reduce noise sensitivity or using a textured sponge in the shower.
  • Sensory diet programs that create a daily menu plan with individualized sensory strategies, physical activities, and tangible items like stress balls for distraction.
  • Environmental modifications, including white noise machines and appropriate artwork, to decrease sensory stimulation.
  • Education for individuals involved, including family members, caregivers, and administrators, about the impact of sensory functions on performance and ways to minimize negative effects.

Research on Sensory Integration Therapy has shown its effectiveness, making it one of the most sought-after interventions for autism.

3) Applied Behavior Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapeutic intervention that focuses on improving social, communication, and learning skills through reinforcement techniques. ABA therapy programs can bring about significant improvements in various areas, including language and communication skills, attention and focus, social skills, memory, academics, and behavioral problems reduction.

ABA treatment goals are tailored based on the child’s age and ability level. They can encompass different skill areas such as communication and language, social skills, self-care behaviors, play and leisure activities, motor skills, and learning and academic skills.

4) Speech & Language Therapy

Speech therapists play a vital role in helping children with autism effectively communicate. They work alongside parents, caregivers, teachers, and other professionals to explore appropriate communication strategies. Speech therapy techniques may include using picture boards to convey concepts or composing songs that match the rhythm of sentences. Group therapy sessions can also be beneficial for practicing social interaction skills.

Speech and language therapy can lead to improvements in articulation, spontaneous communication, self-regulation, and better conversation skills.

5) Special Education Services

Under an Individual Education Plan (IEP) provided by schools, children with autism can receive specialized education tailored to their needs. This includes special day classes for young children that focus on language, social skills, and life skills. By accommodating social communication deficits, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors, special education services enable children with autism to reach their academic potential.

6) Parent Management Training

Parent management training equips parents with effective strategies to respond to problematic behavior and encourage appropriate behavior in their child. Support groups for parents are also available to help them cope with the unique challenges and stressors of raising a child with autism.

7) Medication

In some cases, A child psychiatrist can evaluate for co-morbid depression, anxiety, and impulsivity. If appropriate medications can be helpful. For example, autism-related irritability can be reduced by medications such as aripiprazole and risperidone (the two medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration for irritability associated with autism), prescribed judiciously by a knowledgeable clinician in collaboration with the child’s parents.


Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder requires a multi-faceted approach. Occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, applied behavior therapy, speech and language therapy, special education services, parent management training, and medication can all contribute to improving the lives of individuals with autism. Working closely with professionals and caregivers is crucial to determine the most suitable interventions for each individual. Together, we can make a positive impact and enhance the quality of life for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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