

Privacy Policy

Who we are

iHriday is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and providing a diverse and safe environment for all of our employees and the people we work with.

If you have experienced anything that falls short of these standards, we invite you to reach out to us. Fill out our feedback form or call us immediately.

iHriday’s policies and procedures are below.


  • iHriday disability wants you to know your rights.
  • Children & adult with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else.
  • You have the right to make your own choices.
  • You have the right to be in control of your life.
  • You have the right to be part of the community.
  • At iHriday we respect your rights.
  • We make sure your rights are protected.
  • We support you with your rights.
  • We are respectful of your • Race • Gender • Religion • Culture • Sexuality
  • Our services are • Ethical • Respectful • Safe
  • iHriday staff also knows your rights and must respect them.
  • We want you to feel safe with iHriday.
  • We do not accept anyone treating you in a bad way.
  • If something is not right, we want you to tell us.
  • We will support you when you are speaking up about an issue.


  • You have the right to a good life.
  • You have the right to make your own choices.
  • At iHriday we listen to you. We help you make your choices.


  • You have the right to privacy and confidentiality. Privacy means keeping your information safe.
  • Confidentiality means having a say about what happens to things you talk about or do. It is your right to have your information kept private and safe.
  • iHriday has information about you. It is information that helps us give you good support. Only people that need to know this information can look at it. We keep your information in a safe place.
  • We tell you what information we have and who can see it. You can look at your own information anytime. We will only share your information if you say it is ok.
  • Sometimes we have to share your information without you saying it is ok. This could be with


  • iHriday we like to get feedback about our work. Feedback helps us get better.
  • Feedback & Complaints Feedback can tell us what we are doing well.
  • Feedback can tell us what we could do differently.
  • We also want you to tell us if we are doing something wrong. That is called a complaint.
  • How can I give feedback or make a complaint?
  • You can talk to Unisson staff.
  • You can call us on 9904255515 or 7228992922.
  • You can go to our website: www.ihriday.com  
  • You can send an email to icare@ihriday.com  
  • You can talk to the iHriday staff.